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Personal Thoughts

Dublin, Ireland
Hello friends and family. This is a site that I have created in order to keep you all informed with what is happening with the Lord's ministry here in Ireland. I pray you will find this page beneficial to you. I hope to post all of my updates on here, as well as some pictures. May Christ's peace be with you all today!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

June Update

Faithful prayer partners,
We are now into the month of June, and I am quickly seeing my first year in Ireland fade away. This past month has been very exciting. God is continuing to stir the hearts of people and it is obvious that His hand is moving. It is exciting to me that many of the events that have happened began just after I chose to submit to God’s will, and committed to stay longer here in Ireland. What a mighty God we serve! “My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.” – Psalm 62:7
As some of you may know, Kevin used to be the youth pastor here at the Tallaght Methodist Church. When I came over last July, Kevin left that role and stepped into the Senior Pastor position. As a result, many of the young adults that were in Kevin’s group began to slip away. God has been laying these kids on Kevin’s heart, and Kevin soon discovered that there are not many places anywhere that focuses on a young adult ministry. We decided that on Thursday nights we would begin such a ministry.
About four weeks ago we opened our doors on a Thursday night praying that the Lord would bring this age group in. We invited everyone we knew in that age group, and as a result fifteen guys came into the building. It was incredible. We barely had to lift a finger and God brought these young men into the church. Most of them were not Christians, and very few of them actually had anything to do with Kevin’s previous youth club. However, I believe that through this program we will be able to attract those from his previous club back to the church.
A couple weeks ago we asked a couple of these young men to come help us with a project we needed to do at the church. Many of them were excited and willing to help. The time I was able to spend with them during this project was ground breaking. God is on the move! I was able to develop relationships with them and begin to gain their trust. We have yet to see any of them commit to following Christ, but I know that we are moments away from seeing a break through. Please be praying for the salvation of these young men. Pray that they will see Christ for who He truly is: their Savior.
I took Steo and his girlfriend Nadine with me on a weekend away last weekend. We went up to Newcastle which is located in Northern Ireland. I have mentioned that I attend a service called DV8, and that is who was hosting this weekend. God really refreshed me. It was a wonderful time of fellowship with other believes. I have struggled to get to know many people outside of Tallaght, and through the weekend I was able develop my relationships with other Christians. It was also a good chance to hang out with Steo more. We have been able to spend quite a lot of time together these past few months. His heart is changing as well as God continues to draw Steo closer to Himself. It is a blessing to be able to encourage him in his walk with Christ.
Although I still struggle with the Friday night club, I am slowly becoming more comfortable with what is happening. It is a slow process, but I again trust that God’s hand is moving. It is important for all of us to remember that it is not us who do anything, but Christ who lives in us. It is only through Him that we have the power to do anything. Please pray that I will be bold to share Christ with these kids. It is not our job to make them accept Christ, but it is our job to tell them who Christ is. I often find myself very nervous when I attempt to share the gospel with them. That is not right. God did not give us a timid spirit, but a spirit of power (2 Tim. 1:7)! Pray that all the leaders on a Friday night will receive an anointing from the Holy Spirit, and be able to move in His power.
Kevin has decided to change the format of Bible study. We are no longer going to meet on a Wednesday as a large group. Right now, we are splitting into two groups: a men’s group and a women’s group. What these are essentially going to be are small groups. We hope that by doing this we can begin having small groups in the church. I am very excited about this change and look forward to meeting with the men! Kevin and I have already brainstormed some different things that we can do with the group. We will be able to continue to study the Bible, but then put it into practice as a group. I look forward to the opportunity to serve each other and others around us as a group. I am anxious to lift each other up in prayer as is needed. I know that God is going to be able to move through this group, teaching us and growing us in our relationship with Him.
On June 23, the leaders of the Church are going away for the day in order to discuss the vision of the church. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” – Proverbs 29:18a. I do not know what all will come of this meeting, but I pray that it will be productive. Please be thinking of us on this day as we desire to know God’s will for the church. We desire to move forward and to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. We need vision.
My ticket to fly back home is on July 23rd. I ask that you will continue to pray as seek the Lord to know if you should continue to support me financially in this ministry. I know this is where God is calling me to be, and trust that He will provide the financial support I need. Thank you for all your continued support this past year, both financial and prayer. I look forward to seeing you all soon. Gods grace be with you all.

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