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Personal Thoughts

Dublin, Ireland
Hello friends and family. This is a site that I have created in order to keep you all informed with what is happening with the Lord's ministry here in Ireland. I pray you will find this page beneficial to you. I hope to post all of my updates on here, as well as some pictures. May Christ's peace be with you all today!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May Pictures

Some Pictures from West Cork.

May Update

I have found my last couple of months here in Ireland to be quite full and busy. This last weekend we had a church retreat at West Cork, and this next weekend I am helping lead music at the DV8 weekend away. I am also looking forward to a one day youth event that I have been helping to plan which will take place on the 14th of June. As I look to my last full month of living here in Ireland, I find myself both excited to get home and sad to leave. You never realize the relationships you build until it is time to leave them behind. God is good.

This past weekend was a wonderful time of fellowship as we took a trip down to West Cork as a congregation. Although some people were unable to attend, those that did go had a truly blessed time. God is good and the Holy Spirit was moving in people’s hearts this weekend. It is always so wonderful to get away and spend time with others in fellowship that glorifies the Lord. I always enjoy getting out of the city and into a more country type atmosphere. The weather was absolutely wonderful, and I just praise the Lord for the time we had.

Something God really refreshed in my heart this weekend was to remind me that we are created in His image. God in the trinity is a relational God, and being in His image we are a relational people. We need it. We need that relationship with God and with others. It’s imbedded in how we were formed. We know this to be true because the most important commandment is to love the Lord your God, and the second is to love your neighbor. Relationships are what are important, not the busy things we do in our day.

God reminded me that through following Christ, I can now reflect God’s character in my own life. It is not about the things we do or do not do, but it is all about loving our God and loving those around us through relationships. I really love the concept of taking what Christ has done for me and reflecting it onto those around me. Christ forgave me even when I was a sinner; therefore, I should love and forgive those around me even if they have wronged me. Christ shows me grace and mercy. I should reflect that character in my own life and show grace and mercy to those around me. In all things we should take what God has done for us and bounce it back to those around us. We should be a reflection of God’s character. We were created in God’s image and we should reflect God’s image.

I know that some of this may seem basic, but it is so easy to slip into this idea that I have to be a Christian by doing "stuff." We are not trying to be Christians; we are Christians. We are only made righteous in Christ. Rather than trying so hard to be a good person and a good Christian, I believe we should be focusing on what really matters: relationships. That’s what God wants. He wants a relationship with you, and to reflect what He gives you onto others.

Kevin and I have both been helping to plan a youth event with other Methodist youth workers in the Dublin area. The event is going to be called “Ultimate,” and is hopefully going to be a consecutive event. The plan is to have this youth day in June, and to begin to plan for another event in December. We have a few kids from our congregation we will be taking, and our minister Bill is going to be taking some kids from our neighbor church in Lucan. I am looking forward to seeing how God uses this event, and the events to come, to impact the lives of our youth. Please keep this event in your prayers.

As I look to what is going to happen in July after I return to the States, I find myself really uncertain. I don’t have much of an idea what God has in store for me. I have continued to do my best to worry about today and let tomorrow worry about itself. However, tomorrow seems to be rapidly approaching! I have applied for the music director job at First Denver Friends Church, and am still just trusting that the Spirit will lead accordingly. Please keep me in your prayers as I seek the Lord’s will for the next step in my life. I want nothing more than to be obedient to Him.

Thank you all for being so faithful and supportive of the ministry happening here in Ireland. The things happening here would not be possible without you. His grace, peace, and unspeakable joy be with you always.