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Personal Thoughts

Dublin, Ireland
Hello friends and family. This is a site that I have created in order to keep you all informed with what is happening with the Lord's ministry here in Ireland. I pray you will find this page beneficial to you. I hope to post all of my updates on here, as well as some pictures. May Christ's peace be with you all today!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Break In

It has been a rough week this past week. I went on the OM weekend away and that turned out to be quite difficult. I was asked to come along so that I could sponsor some kids from Tallaght. I thought, yeah this will be great. The first night was a nightmare. I could not keep track of the kids, they would not listen to a word I said, and they kept getting into trouble. The main leader with the church I went with ended up having to take control of them and I was left to help another leader with his kids. I felt terrible. I was asked to do a job and was unable to do it. I spent most of the weekend wondering around by myself feeling like a looser. I did not know anybody. When I would try and talk to new people they were nice for a while, but then went back to their normal group. I did get to know some of the kids, and it was great to meet some kids that were not from Tallaght. I began to wonder, am I really called to Tallaght? Can I actually handle things their at all?
The last day we were in Kilkenny I came down with the flu and am still battling it today. I was also sitting there doing nothing and all of the sudden my pad on my glasses fell off. This is very random, but funny enough to mention. I came home from the weekend a bit discouraged. Hammy is a friend I have made here, and it was his kid, nephews and niece whom I was watching. He has been a Christian for four years now coming out of a drug dealing lifestyle. He is a great guy and loves the Lord. Even though I had not met the kids before, I thought I could handle them because he is such a great guy. Hammy was very encouraging to me as were many others.
Last night I was alone at the church at around 6:45 working on the Bible study for that night. Four guys broke into the church. One was in his mid twenties and the others in their early teens. One of the put his hand on my throat, made a fist, and told to give him my wallet or he would kill me. I was very confused at this time. I thought, do people really say that. I thought it was only something you hear in the movies. It was quite surreal. Anyway I had no money in my wallet. I told him that and gave it to him. Then they went through the pastor office tearing it apart looking for cash. Chris, the man who is in charge of collecting the offering has been gone for the past three weeks and so I had collected it. They took all of that money along with the youth account box. In total I believe they took around 350 euro. They tried to take my laptop but I asked him nicely to let me keep it since they were getting away with all the money. I guess my please persuaded him and they did not take it. Amazingly they did not take any of the computers, the stereo, my guitar, or anything other then the cash. I am fine. I am not hurt or injured in any way. Praise the Lord! All of these things seem to be discouraging me away from Tallaght. I wonder who might want me out of here? Reality has sunk in and I know now to take more precautions for safety. However, we must be doing something right to get all of this opposition. It is obvious that the enemy does not like what is happening here. Bill has been changing. Ever since he had that talk with Kevin and we all began to pray, his heart has slowly began to soften. He and Kevin were discussing yesterday a new way forward in order to be more affective spiritually. He is beginning to realize that Sunday mornings are doing nothing for anybody. It is great. God is on the move! Praise the Lord!
So there is the story. It has been a rough week, but things are continuing to progress. I do not know what to do about Friday night because one of the kids that broke in I recognized from that group. He has only been there a couple of times, but I am not in a hurry to run into him again. On the other hand, none of the other kids had anything to do with it, and I still believe that the Lord wants me to share the gospel with them. You know, get that seed planted. And obviously Satan does not want me to share it with them. Please pray with me as I try to understand the Lord’s plan for all of this. His kingdom come, His will be done. Thanks for all your love and support.

His grace and peace be with you all.

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